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Do you really know yourself? If not don't go through life making assumptions of

who you are..Take the time now to meet yourself!

Luckily in this class of Human Relations you will learn A LOT about yourself..

A few short days after being introduced to my Human Relations class, classmates and teacher. We were all asked such a simple question that involved such a complex and thoughtful answer. "Who are we?"

After letting that question "Who am I?" ponder in my head for awhile. I finally had an answer. My answer was that "I am strong. I am someone whose scared to show my emotions in front of people. I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, friend, girlfriend and lover. I am someone people can trust and count on. I am someone afraid of what people think, I am a perfectionists. I am thoughtful, kindhearted and funny, once you get to know me. I am someone whose not easy to open up. I am someone who has "walls". I am my hardest critique and judge". This is just the tip of the iceberg, we do various amounts of reflections like these all the time.

In this particular lesson I clearly learned a lot about myself, who i am as a person, my goals/dreams for myself and even got to reflect amongst the ups and downs of my life. You can experience this too, if you decide to take this course.

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