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​Do you know what your emotional defenses are? If not, then know that by learning these behaviors and by simply being aware of them, can easily help better your relationships!

Throughout this entire course, learning the emotional defenses along with my own was the most interesting to me because it explains how I act sometimes and also made me understand why others act the way they do.

After learning about the various types of emotional defenses. I realized that I not only use one or two of these things but many of them. To be specific I occasionally use denial/minimizing, rationalizations, projection, displacement and splitting. Sadly, I use these certain behaviors on everyone I was and still am close to, which includes my family, friends and even my boyfriend especially when situations get too hard for me to bare. For instance, instead of accepting my wrong doings, I tend to make excuses for myself, blame it on the other party, place my anger towards anyone that may be around me at that time or even say "Well you know it could be a lot worse". However by simply learning these behaviors, and being aware of the ones I do tend to use. My overall relationships have gotten a lot healthier, personal along with less and shorter arguments.

I've also learned to accept my family, friends and boyfriend's emotional defenses as well because I know what they're going through. By learning a lesson like this in my Human Relations, it has made me feel like I'm actually in control of my feelings, a much happier and calmer person when being pushed in unwanted situations.

Thankfully, by taking this Human Relations Course, I was able to learn and realize these things before it was too late.

Emotional Defenses: Are behaviors which help us survive feelings or situations which scare us or make us feel threatened, inadequate, or unable to cope. However, when used too quickly, too frequently, or inappropriately, they can distort reality and detach us from actively and productively coping.

You can also learn more about these emotional defenses if you decide to take the Human Relations Course. ​

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